dinsdag 23 november 2010

IGS in de Guyanese kranten

November 22, 2010 | By KNews | Filed Under Sports 
Guyana settle for Silver… again
By Sean Devers
Inside a closed room at the Ocean View Hotel and without the distraction of vociferous spectators like the other Inter Guiana Games (IGG) events in this year’s championship in Guyana, Chess powerhouse Suriname continued their dominance by retaining their title with victories against the hosts and French Guiana.
Unbeaten Guyanese Suhai Feng (left) is in deep concentration as he ponders a move against French Guyana’s Norman Tjon Sintja during yesterday’s action at the Ocean View Hotel.

The Curtains came down on the Chess tournament in this year’s event yesterday afternoon with Guyana beating their French counterparts after they had lost to the Dutch speaking Surinamese 2 and a half points to one point on Saturday evening.
Guyana’s victory yesterday ensured that like last year, the home team, the only English Speaking country in South America, again finished as runner-up despite some excellent play from 15-year-old Suhai Feng.
The teenager who resides in Kitty and attends the North Georgetown Secondary School finished unbeaten after drawing with his Suriname opponent on Saturday and defeating his French Guiana rival yesterday.
The Suriname 5-member Chess team, probably inspired by the presence in Guyana of their President Desi Bouterse, defeated French Guiana on the opening day -Friday- by three and a half points to half of a point to condemn the French speaking South Americans to the cellar position for the second consecutive year in the Championships.
A member of the Suriname contingent said retaining their title was very pleasing and emphasized that the sport of Chess is growing in the neighbouring county and said that apart from skill, the superb concentration level of the young players were reasons why Suriname consistently do well at this level.
Guyana’s Sports Ministry and Sports Minister Dr Frank Anthony in particular has been aiding in the revival of Chess in Guyana by trying to take the game to schools and having his Ministry organize several Chess competitions locally.
With more competitions, especially among females and the youth, it is hoped that the interest for and the standard of Chess will improve as Guyana aim to go one place better by winning Gold next. Back to back Silver Medals is not too bad though.

Suriname dominate Inter-Guiana Games
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Written by Admin2   
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 02:14
... Guyana brush past French Guiana for second place finish
GUYANA wrote the script for this leg of the Inter-Guiana Games (IGG), but it was their neighbours Suriname who were the main actors when the story ended on Sunday night at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall.
Suriname won all of the indoor events, while they played catch-up to the home country in the cycle road race.

Guyana’s participants had their moments of glory indoors when they displayed an improvement on the court in both male basketball and male and female volleyball. These performances were given the thumbs up by Suriname’s Youth and Sport Minister Paul Abena.
Director of Sport Neil Kumar added to that when he called the Games and its performers “highly successful”.
The jubilant Surinamese are seen in this Sonell Nelson photo celebrating their victory at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall on Sunday night.


Guyana finished second in both the male and female volleyball competitions. In what could be considered the virtual final of both events, against nemesis Suriname, they were defeated.
Against Suriname in a high tempo, keenly contested game, the male team lost 3-1. After winning the first set 25-21, they lost 25-27, 19-25 and 21-25. Team Guyana had earlier in the Games defeated French Guiana 3-0 (26-24, 25-20, 25-21).
In the female division Guyana got the better of French Guiana 3-1 (25-18, 25-20, 20-25, 25-18) while they went down to Suriname 1-3 (25-23, 9-25, 8-25, 13-25).
Suriname’s Minister of Sport Paul Abena hands over the second place trophy to his Guyana counterpart Dr Frank Anthony. (Sonell Nelson photo)


Second leg of 2010 Inter Guiana Games launches in Guyana

November 20, 2010
Members of the Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana teams arrive at the opening ceremony of the 2010 Inter Guiana Games at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall

The second leg of the 2010 Inter-Guiana Games (IGG) was launched on November 19th at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, where participants from Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana will be competing in various sporting activities including volleyball, basket ball, chess and cycling until November 21.
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, who is performing the duties of President and who declared the event open, welcomed the Suriname and French delegations and commended officials and athletes from all three countries for working to sustain the annual games.
He highlighted that youths will have the opportunity to participate and compete with others and, at the same time help to discover their full potentials.
“These games provide us with the flavour of an international competition between our small, not so rich countries, which give some opportunity for any of our school children with great potential to be spotted and hopefully for arrangements to be made for them to go on to reach their full potential,” he emphasised.
The Prime Minister noted that the games also provide a connection among youths and the people in the neighbouring countries as neighbours, neighbourhoods and regional associations are all important.
“It is for us, the people of the three Guianas to develop as much contact and as many bonds between ourselves as would be for our mutual good. We see these games as strengthening the relationships between Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana,” Prime Minister Hinds said.
He highlighted that over the years the IGG have grown and expressed confidence that it will continue to do so and attract more attention for schools and the population at large.
Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony said sports consists of competitions and can also be used as a medium to bring persons together.
He pointed out that the IGG is an opportunity to bring neighbouring countries closer, through the bonding among students and athletes of various countries.which could grow over the years and eventually a relation among countries would subsequently develop, as well as an understanding of each other’s country.
Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs of Suriname, Paul Abena, noted that the historic games have proven to form and influence youths positively and should be conveyed to the next generation.
He highlighted the importance of fair play and sportsmanship in the competition and noted that his presence is indicative of the Surinamese Government’s approach to consolidate with the neighbouring countries by cooperation through sports.


It’s your move…chess teams here for Guianas duel

The four-member chess teams from Suriname and French Guiana arrived yesterday for the Inter-Guiana Games (IGG) which is expected to begin today and run until Sunday.
The Suriname team comprises participants Rosangela Dos Ramos, Ekaterina Naipal, Gavin Ooft and Viresh Giasi, alongside Cuban trainer Nestor Betancourt.
For French Guiana the participants will be Arthur Godart, Karl Merzi, Norman Tjon and Pol-Louis Berteaud, and they are accompanied by Coach Michael Boualit.
Members of the French Guiana contingent yesterday at Ocean View Hotel, from left are Norman Tjon, Arthur Godart, coach Michael Boualit, Pol-Louis Berteaud, and Karl Merzi. (Photo by Orlando Charles)
According to Karen Pilgrim, General Manager of the IGG, the two teams will come up against five players from Guyana, namely Cecil Cox, Sue-Hai Feng, Taffin and Crystal Khan, and junior chess champion Ron Motilall.
Speaking with Stabroek Sport, Ooft said that his team is looking forward to a very good tournament and intends to preserve their winning status. They won the earlier segment of the Games in French Guiana in March this year, and also won last year’s event.
“We won both times, we won last year and we won in March so we expect to give it our best shot this time. We never underestimate our opponent but we expect to do really well,” Ooft said.
Meanwhile, Boualit said that his team is confident going into the Games despite not being as strong as it could be as the two strongest players are off in Europe.

zondag 21 november 2010

Suriname ook bij schaken IGS Kampioen

Suriname wint van Guyana met 3 - 1
De uiteindelijke eindstand tussen Suriname-Guyana is geworden 3 - 1. Met dit resultaat behaalt Suriname voor de 3e opeenvolgende keer het IGS kampioenschap bij schaken.
De 3 - 1 overwinning is niet zo makkelijk gegaan, en het zijn vooral voor de toeschouwers toch wel zenuwslopende uren geweest.  OP bord 3 wist Ekaterina Naipal al heel vroeg duidelijk voordeel te behalen. Het duurde toch nog wel enige tijd voordat ze haar tegenstander tot opgeven kon dwingen. 1 - 0 voor Suriname.
OP bor 2 had Gavin Ooft een prachtige positie met centrumpionnen opgebouwd. Eenieder zag in deze stelling een overwinning voor Gavin. Gavin speelde de partij veels te voorzichtig en ruilde af naar een eindspel, waarvan hij dacht dat hij deze kon winnen. Evenwel zat er in die eindspelpositie niet meer dan remise. De Cubaanse trainer liet zijn ontevredenheid duidelijk blijken, over de gespeelde remise, en wilde meteen de partij van Gavin analyseren. 1 1/2 - 1/2 voor Suriname. Bord 1 en bord 4 moesten de doorslag geven. Op bord 4 zat Rosangela dos Ramos met zwart tegenover de nieuwe Jeugdkampioen van Guyana. Bij IGS hoeven er niet van tevoren lijsten worden ingediend. Guyana, die de eerste dag vrij was,  had eerst kunnen kijken naar de opstelling van Suriname. Strategisch plaatsten ze hun jeugdkampioen tegen de bord 4 van Suriname, in de verwachting dat ze op dat bord zeker 1 punt konden binnenhalen.
De Guyanezen hebben het damesniveau van Suriname aan den lijve moeten ondervinden. In een partij waarin Rosangela in het middenspel positioneel iets beter stond, belandde de wedstrijd in een toren/ongelijke loperseindspel, waarin de Guyanese jeugdkampioen iets meer ruimte had. De partij was erg zenuwslopend omdat Rosangela constant met de tijd spook speelde. Een enkele fout in het eindspelstadium kon fataal zijn.
De torens werden afgeruild, en een ongelijke loperspel bood garantie voor remise. Met deze gedachte in haar hoofd, overzag Rosangela op het laatste moment nog een winnende pionzet, die haar alsnog de zege had kunnen geven op de Guyanese jeugdkampioen. Na ongeveer 5 uren spelen 2 - 1 voor Suriname.
Op bord 1 wist Viresh Giasi geduldig schuivend, zijn voordeligere eindspelpositie, langzaam maar zeker uit te buiten. Ook hier was het dat een foutje tot remise of verlies kon leiden. Enkele minuten nadat Rosangela partij remise  werd, moest de tegenstander van Viresh Giassi, Taffiz Khan van Guyana, zijn koning neerleggen.
3 - 1 voor Suriname. Opluchting bij eenieder. Ook de minister van Sport, de heer Paul Abena, die samen met zijn gevolg, de laatste zenuwslopende momenten op bord 1 en bord 4 meemaakten, reageerde heel blij op de overwinning van Suriname op Guyana. Een geweldige prestatie van jonge Surinaamse denkers. De minister en directie, die het nu zelf van dichtbij meemaakten, waren onder de indruk van de langdurigheid van de mentale confrontatie en druk, die schakers ondergaan.
De succesvolle IGS schaakselectie samen met de minister van Sport, de heer Paul Abena
IGS schaakselecties Suriname en Guyana samen met de minister van Sportzaken.
Guyana heeft hun dame niet in actie laten komen.
Persoonlijke felicitaties van de minister, aan onze 2 vrouwelijke schaakambassadeurs
Na de overwinning van Suriname op Guyana, vertrok de schaakploeg naar de sporthal, om te gaan kijken naar de jongensbasketbalwedstrijd Suriname-Frans Guyana. Bij het opwarmen dunkte een Surinaamse basketballer, het basketbalbord compleet aan diggelen. Consternatie en besluiteloosheid bij de Guyanese organisatie.
Surinaamse basketballer dunkt bij het opwarmen, het basketbalbord aan diggelen.

Na heel wat wikken en wegen, eindelijk wat twijfelende acties om het bord te vervangen.
Het was bijna komisch om te zien de aanpak van de Guyanese organisatie om een bord te verwisselen. Besluiteloos, traag, duidelijk niet te weten wat te doen koste ons meer dan een 1 /12 uur oponthoud. De basketbalwedstrijd startte pas tegen 11uur Guyanese tijd. De Fransen die duidelijk kleiner waen dan de Surinaamse jongens, gaven met hun snelheid heel veel problemen aan Suriname. De Fransen namen zelf een voorsprong van meer dan 10 punten. Met inzetten van wat kleinere, snelle jongens aan de kant van Suriname, begon het Surinaams team langzaam in hun ritme te komen. Hierna was Suriname de veel betere ploeg en won uiteindelijk ruim met ongeveer 20 punten verschil. Morgenmiddag is de classico bij de heren basketbal Suriname-Guyana. Tot nu toe is Suriname IGS kampioen gewordenbij schaken, damesbasketbal en damesvolleybal. Er moet nog gstreden worden voor het kampioenschap bij heren volleybal, heren basketbal en wielrennen.
De IGS delegatie vertrekt morgen (maandag) ochtendvroeg, om 04.00 Guyanese tijd, terug naar de ferry, om de oversteek van 10.00u te maken, naar Nickerie.